Looking to provide a young girl in your life with an opportunity to explore future career options?
Our 10th Annual Dream It, Be It Virtual Career Days are the place to be! These events are exciting days of career exploration!
Date: TBD
Location: Chandler High School-AVID Program
Willis Jr. High School-AVID Program
At Dream It, Be It girls create a dream box and go through a set of exercises to help them plan to live those dreams!
What participants say:
Thank you guys for organizing this fun project to learn more about ourselves and what we want to do in the future...
Thank you so much for the "dream it be it" boxes...I envisioned my future with a lot of furniture and cats. I want to be an interior designer when I get older and I love cats...
...College is on of my goals in life. I'm not sure what I want to be yet when I grow up but I know for sure I want to go to college to make my teachers and family proud...
Contact: Deborah Martinez at debgm3@gmail.com for more information.